Tuesday 25 February 2014

Task 7 - Evaluation

Task 7 – Evaluation
I will write a report evaluating my production process in the light of the presentation feedback and my production log. This will be in the form of a concluding report based on my production log.

Remember that you are trying to make reference to professional practice, consistently using subject terminology correctly.


Task 1
For Task 1 I had to research into the market and audience of my scenario. I researched into the company Cartoon Hangover leading me into how much they have earned and what awards they have won. I also looked into shark and underwater related animations and games like help I’m a fish, sponge bob and assassins creed black-flag. Finding the research wasn’t much hard but the market research was a little more difficult as the market audience is a short category of people. I found it good when researching about cartoon hangover as I have now learned things I didn’t know about them.

Task 2
In Task 2 I had to generate a wide range of ideas I would use in my animation. I made brainstorms to idea what I would use like the settings, the character and so on. I found planning for the animation fun as I like being creative although there are some parts I would go back and change more like more locations on the surface but I still found it fun doing the work.

Task 3
I have to collect my strongest research and designs and place them into a presentation which was presented  in front of an interview to identify what I wish to make and what I plan to do and how I will do it with the research and the market research I have collected.  I would go back to this and change it to explain more of the story of the animation and take the review again with a little more confidence than I would have.

Task 4
Task 4 required the schedules I have made for my FMP which I would have to modify each week to keep my time on my project in check. I would also make the plan for the animation what I plan to use and do. I made most my plans on paper but I could go back to it I would do a digital sketch of the storyboard.

Task 5
On Task 5 I made a production log where I am into my production would have to explain the technics I used which I would update it each and explain what I have done on that day and the methods I used. I would make a small chart and fill in it with the date and a description of what I did on that day.  I feel as I didn’t go into much detail in the production log in which I will try harder to do next time.

Task 6

For Task 6 I took some screenshots from the animation I have made by exporting them as images and have uploaded them to blogger and bill soon upload a YouTube video containing my animation. In the animation I would go back and change a few more things like making the actions look smoother than they are but I did find this fun to do as I look forward to doing more animations in my career.

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